Hey guys, quick question. I'm thinking about just purchasing Windowblinds (since my ODNT subscription expired and I can't see spending $50 when I use only one of the programs now). Will there be any issues with my current install? Thanks.
Hello all, I'm using WB8/SKS8 and I'm having a hard time tracking down some rogue Tahoma fonts. They're in th e right click popups menus in Firefox, the message boxes, tooltips, and OD popup flyout menus. I've tried tracking down and changing all the "OS Default Fonts" I could find, but these ones are eluding me. I've already changed all the skin defined fonts and system defined fonts in the Fonts section, but these don't seem to be affected. I'm editing the Lantan...
Hey guys, haven't been around in a while, and now I have a problem. Apparently my installation of Windows got hosed and now I need to do a re-install. But before I do that I want to backup my skins from WB and OD, but I can't remember where they're located. Particularly OD, I really don't want to have to re-do my dock, can I just copy over the settings file and be good to go? Also, since my ODNT expired and Stardock Central doesn't list WB, somehow I need to get t...