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Drive info icons on desktop?
How to do it?
Published on March 22, 2005 By
Bebi Bulma
I've seen this on a few screenshots and I would like to do the same on my desktop, but I have no clue how.
Could someone explain the steps in an easy to understand fashion on how I could achieve the same thing? I heard someone say it was using DesktopX, I have version 2.x something. TIA.
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3 Pages
on Mar 25, 2005
I have a few Questions about Avedesk:
1. When I put a PIDLSHORTCUT onto my desktop and Go to Properties/Shortcut, and write in the Line START IN "C:\" the desklet should nrmaly open a window of the harddrive "C", right? I´ve done that, and when I click onto the Desklet of harddrive "C" I dont get to "C",I get to "My Computer"!
What was my mistake?
2. How can I activate then informations underthe desklets like how much space is left on the harddrve?
3: How does this speeking bubble thing work (this text to spech thing)?
Hope u could understand me (I´m german) Thank god for translatio tools at google
on Mar 25, 2005
Don't really know on the first and third, but as for configuring the info, go to the tab labeled Label Info. In there are the instructions as to what variables mean what. Play around and see what they all do.
on Mar 25, 2005
figuered out how it works, but someone please tell me how to make the shortcuts going to the right place, like I explained in my last post
on Mar 25, 2005
ok nm, i think i got the hang of it now
Bebi Bulma
on Mar 25, 2005
Red33mer...I had that problem too, it wasn't going to my c drive...my problem was I had the slash backwards.
Should be C:\ which works for me.
For my C Drive I'm using this in the label format: %f free - %t total %# %s used (%pU %%)
For my Anime and Mp3's shortcuts:%s %r - %f %r files
Does anyone have any solutions for the 2 problems I mentioned?
on Mar 25, 2005
As for problem #1, I think it is a conflict between the way IconX wants to draw the desktop. Not a way around it currently as far as I know. Bummer.
As for #2 I use Icon Explorer (part of Icon Packager). Open it and browse to the location of the alienmorph icons. You will see the alienmorph.icl. Click on it and Icon Explorer will let you see all the files in it. Just right click on one of those and you can export it as a single icon. If you want to convert it to .png use something like AveIcon or Icon Developer to export it as a .png. I do this all the time to get icons for my docks and such.
Let me know if that isn't clear enough for you.
Bebi Bulma
on Mar 25, 2005
I'm actually not using icon packager, but rather the OEM manager thingie that came with the alienmorph download. I had some issues with icon packager in the past and haven't reinstalled it. Is there anyway to do that without having to install icon packager again?
on Mar 25, 2005
I am sure there are ways to extract single icons from a .icl file, but my knowledge ends there. Hopefully someone else can help there.
Bebi Bulma
on Mar 25, 2005
Apparently I can save the individual icons from the .icl package with this Axialis IconWorkshop program, cool.
Thanks for your help.
on Mar 25, 2005
Ok I have made a screensht, to show what I mean
P.S Dont wonder about the text, I am using german windows Xp
Would be nice if anzone could help me. ARBEITSPLATZ is the same as MYCOMPUTER
on Mar 25, 2005
Ok I have made a screensht, to show what I mean http://img229.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img229&image=19rp.jpg][img=http://img229.exs.cx/img229/3769/19rp.th.jpg]
P.S Dont wonder about the text, I am using german windows Xp
Would be nice if anzone could help me. ARBEITSPLATZ is the same as MYCOMPUTER
Bebi Bulma
on Mar 25, 2005
Hmm, ok, erase that C: stuff from the Start in, I left all those blank. Put the C:\ at the top line where is says Path: this is where the shortcut points to.
on Mar 25, 2005
Sorrz here is the correct link> http://img229.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img229&image=19rp.jpg
on Mar 25, 2005
Sorry here is the correct link> http://img229.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img229&image=19rp.jpg
Bebi Bulma
on Mar 25, 2005
Yeah I found the right screenshot.
Have you tried what I mentioned in my other post? That should work.
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