Cute and cuddly Spawn of Satan.

Does anyone know of a screensaver that mimics the lock screen slideshow from Win 8? I'm on Win 7 x64 (no plans on going to Win 8, use it at work). I'd love to be able to have something similar on my home machine. I'm currently using the Google Picasa Photos screensaver, but I really like the Ken Burns/collage effect on the lock screen slideshow.

on Apr 01, 2015

No takers?

on Apr 01, 2015

Not sure if this is what your looking for, But it does use the Ken Burns effect.


Hopefully this helps, And heck long time no see Bebi, Where ya been?

on Apr 02, 2015

got Ken Burns on my Apple TV screensaver very nice way to look at my photos while music playing on at 42" tele so much better than 4"x6" photos

on Apr 02, 2015

Hey Nimbin, I had tried downloading that MotionPicture screensaver, but I just can't get it to install on my x64 machine, it just does nothing.