In XP you could use TweakUI to stop windows from stealing focus, but obviously TweakUI doesn't work in 7. Does anyone know of a program that will work in 7 x64 to do the same thing?
From what I've seen Bebi...after doing a long search...Windows 7 is still unfortunately to new for anyone to have a solution for that. And I've also seen that is might be by design on the part of Microsoft.
By design my foot, it's seriously annoying. Typing away to someone in an IM while installing software, then boom! The install window pops up asking to do something, and it gets accidentally accepted because I was typing something (argh it just happened while typing this!) and have no idea what I agreed to do or install some toolbar with the program, rawr.
Bebi Bulma kicks MS
[attempt 5 at posting a reply..if this doesn't work now I'll send you a postcard]
I know what you mean...extremely annoying!
W7 is using the same registry "hack" that has been used since 98/XP. I've been using it, in W7, since the Beta.
This is how
(Just Google for 'xmouse Windows 7')